How Long Does It Take to Get a Real Estate License in California? 

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For many individuals, the allure of a career in California’s thriving real estate market is undeniable. But amidst the excitement of embarking on this career journey, one question often arises: How long does it take to get a real estate license in California? The answer lies in understanding the requirements and the available pathways and, ultimately, finding the approach that best suits your learning style and schedule.

Key Takeaways:

  • Self-paced online, livestream, and in-person learning options.
  • Ultimately, the best method is one that suits your learning preferences and schedule.
  • Obtaining a real estate license in California requires a minimum of 135 hours of pre-licensing education from an approved institution.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Real Estate License?

In California, obtaining a real estate license is a process that demands dedication and commitment. Many aspiring California real estate agents transition from other full-time careers, meaning earning your California real estate license can take careful time management and planning.

One of the primary requirements in California is completing a minimum of 135 hours of pre-licensing education from an approved institution. These educational hours lay the groundwork for understanding real estate principles, practices, and regulations. Your coursework will prepare you for success in the field.

Ways to Complete Your Pre-Licensing Hours

Aspiring real estate professionals have several options for fulfilling their pre-licensing education requirements. While each method offers its own advantages and considerations, there’s a game plan to fit almost any schedule, learning style, or budget.

1. Self-Paced Online Learning

For those who value flexibility and autonomy, self-paced online learning is a popular choice. With this approach, students have the freedom to progress through the material at their own pace, accommodating busy schedules and personal commitments.

Online platforms provide interactive resources, including video lectures, practice exams, and downloadable materials, enhancing the learning experience and retention of information.

If you’re looking for the fastest way to get a California real estate license – especially while transitioning away from another full-time career – self-paced online learning may be the quickest route.

With self-paced online learning, you can fit your learning and studying in whenever it works for you. You can also work ahead or spend more time on specific courses and topics if you need to. Plus, you have the freedom to map out your own timeline. Since the 135-hour requirement is non-negotiable, it’s easy to work backward and map out a completion plan based on your existing responsibilities and schedule.

Ultimately, self-paced online learning is good for those who:

  • Want to work their California real estate license exam prep around their full-time work schedule
  • Like to work at their own pace and consider themselves “self-starters.”
  • Want to complete their 135 hours without having to wait on scheduled in-person or livestream class times

2. Livestream Learning

Livestream learning, like online self-paced learning, is another quick and easy way to complete the hours required for the California real estate license exam. Livestream learning combines online education’s convenience with live instruction’s structure and accountability.

Through virtual classrooms, students engage in real-time lectures and discussions led by experienced instructors. This format fosters peer interaction and collaboration, creating a dynamic learning environment. Livestream sessions are typically scheduled at set times, providing participants with a sense of routine and consistency.

This option can be helpful for those who work another career with a traditional nine-to-five schedule, as livestream classes are typically in the evening. Livestream sessions usually take around three months to complete all 135 required hours.

This type of learning is a great choice for anyone who:

  • Doesn’t want to add time to their day commuting to classes
  • Needs or wants more accountability and real-time instruction
  • Prefers a set schedule for learning

3. In-Person Learning

While less common in today’s digital age, in-person learning remains a viable option for those who thrive in traditional classroom settings. Attending classes in person allows for direct interaction with instructors and fellow students, facilitating deeper engagement and networking opportunities.

However, it’s important to note that the time commitment associated with commuting to and from class may impact overall efficiency. Time to completion will also vary based on how many sessions meet per week at the chosen school. On average, students pursuing in-person learning spend approximately 5 to 6 months completing their 135 hours of pre-licensing education.

With this option, there is less control over when and how you learn, but it can be helpful for anyone who enjoys a traditional “school setting.” In-person learning is ideal for those who:

  • Learn better in person
  • Have more time to dedicate to completing pre-licensing education
  • Prefer a set schedule for learning

Which Method is Best for You?

Choosing the right learning method is a personal decision that hinges on various factors, including your learning style and scheduling constraints. Consider the following questions to determine which approach aligns with your needs:

  • Do you prefer the flexibility of self-paced learning, or do you thrive in a structured environment with live instruction?
  • Are you comfortable navigating online platforms, or do you prefer the tangible experience of in-person classes?
  • What is your timeline for completing the pre-licensing education?
  • How does each method fit into your schedule?

Ultimately, the best method is the one that empowers you to learn effectively and efficiently, setting you on the path toward obtaining your real estate license in California.

If you’re considering self-paced or livestream learning options, Allied Real Estate School offers comprehensive pre-licensing education programs designed to meet the diverse needs of aspiring real estate agents. With flexible scheduling, expert instruction, and a commitment to student success, Allied equips you with the tools and confidence to thrive in your real estate career.

Learn more about our flexible online learning options and get started today.

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